Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Statement on Installation

I have a compulsion to collect and photograph discarded and otherwise overlooked objects, reviving their once precious nature by excessively archiving and/or documenting what I find.

For my installation in the Project Space, I extend my interest in abandoned property to include real estate. Between January 1st, 2008 and June 30th, 2008, I synced my life in tandem with the City of Houston’s on-line permits website, then visited residential properties scheduled for demolition within the inner loop. I captured these fugitive places using (the now discontinued) Polaroid film, and retrieved what personal items I found on site. (Re)Vision encapsulates my six-month project, with the collection of images gridded off by zip code and accompanied by selected found objects.


These images are of the properties that were demolished in this time period - thank you to Lauren Meyers for assisting me on the many, many excursions around town!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

4310 blossom?

This house was being moved but was then abandoned in a parking lot along Oliver St. near Center St.

1115 valentine